State of the art infrastructure make St.Carmel stand out as an ideal abode of learning. St. Carmel School is an institution that keeps the promise to provide the best in class facilities to all its students. So that students learn with best of technology right from the first step of their education. Integrating technology with teaching – learning process helps become more effective and imposing smart classes / Audio visual rooms not only make learning process more interesting but also enhance concept clarity. Truly said -
'A picture is worth a thousand words.'
3. Well-Stocked Library
When you hear the word Library, you connect it to the term Books. Books play a vital role in our life. Books are created through the processes of thoughts, ideas, concepts, views, experiences, knowledge, etc.
“A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit”
Library is considered as part and parcel of every academic set-up. It is created to serve and support the educational activities of the school. Library provides important information, ideas and knowledge that equips students with learning skills, triggers creative thinking and enables them to adapt self-learning methods.
The SCS Library provides access to elaborative academic resources for all school-students, faculty and administrative staff. Our reading rooms are well equipped with books, magazines and periodicals dealing with diverse topics of interest. Teachers and students are always involved in making the books collection up-to-date. The SCS Library also offers a very comfortable seating arrangement.
SCS Library Objectives :-
- Bringing Children and Books together to provide a learning and enjoyable experience
- Information provision - provide resources for different constituents of school education
- Develop Reading ability and interest
- Generate Self Learning techniques
- Facilitate a well-equipped resource centre
- Carve a pathway to inculcate economic, social and cultural values using books as the medium

"The Real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking".
While we take efforts to continuously equip our library resources, it is the responsibility of each member of the Carmelian Family to abide by certain library rules that support in maintaining a well-coordinated library.
SCS Library Rules :-
- Books from the library are issued to the students during the Library period as assigned in the Class Time-Table. Only one book is issued at a time. Reference books are not issued.
- The complete book detail is entered in the Library Register before the book is issued to any student or teacher.
- Books are issued for the use of the borrower only. Hence, the borrower must not lend or exchange them with his/her classmates.
- Books must be examined by the borrower before leaving the library and any damage, must be brought to the Librarian’s notice. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage to the book while in his/her charge.
- Books should not be kept by the borrower for more than 7 days. They may however, be extended on permission for a further period of 7 days provided that they are not in demand by other borrowers.
- Failure to return a book in expire of the maximum period of 14 days will involve the payment of a fine of Rs. 10/- per day.
- The borrower who loses a book will have to pay the full price of the book or replace the same.
- All library books must be returned one month before the Terminal and Final Examinations. No Library books are issued during vacations.
- Habitual carelessness in handling books of the Library and unruly conduct towards the Library Assistants will render a student liable to suspension from further use of the library.