Infrastructure at SCS

State of the art infrastructure make St.Carmel stand out as an ideal abode of learning. St. Carmel School is an institution that keeps the promise to provide the best in class facilities to all its students. So that students learn with best of technology right from the first step of their education. Integrating technology with teaching – learning process helps become more effective and imposing smart classes / Audio visual rooms not only make learning process more interesting but also enhance concept clarity. Truly said -

'A picture is worth a thousand words.'

7. Transport Fascilities

School Transportation System is the life-line of an institution like SCS, where students seek admission from far and wide. SCS has a comprehensive transportation system. School has a network of 21 school buses which cover various routes.

SCS gives supreme priority to the safety of students. SCS strictly confirms to all guidelines issued by ‘Safe School Vahan Policy’ – a government mission dedicated to safety of school children.

According fresh guidelines issued by government, CCTV Cameras have been installed in each school bus.

School employs all experienced drivers having heavy duty license. Medical and police verification is done prior to employment of each driver. A proper record of documents is maintained. A speed governor device is available in each bus. One first aid kit, water camper and fire-extinguisher is available in each bus.

As per government guidelines on SSVP a female conductor/attendant is employed in each bus. Special training in fire safety is given to drivers, conductors and senior students so that they can rescue children in case of some mishappening. Transportation NOC attested by District Transport Officer is renewed each year. Meetings with drivers are held twice a month in school transportation committee headed by Transportation Head and Principal.