SCS High School (VI to X)

High School is a stage that can be appropriately called ‘Transition for preparation’. Adolescents need expert handling with care and concern. ‘Immense reservoir of energy’ and fountains heads of future policy making that is what children at this age are’. At high school student counter peel pressure, hormonal changes, increasing demand of academics enhanced adrenaline rush and increased metabolic activity. High school pedagogy needs to aim at imparting knowledge and skills to learners that positively build up self motivated individuals with integrity and positive attitudes. Role of teachers become more of a facilitator who has to set learning goals for students and then modify instructive strategies in accordance with needs, background and interests of the scholars.

St. Carmel provides subjects according to guidelines provided by CBSE. Academics is integrated with appropriate scholastic and Co-scholastic activities.

1. Co-Scholastic Activities

The students of IX-X undertake a number of co-scholastic activities like spellathons, quizzes, oral test, peer teaching and mcq tests, seminars for reinstating the concepts being taught in classes. Students do practical in labs. Teaching aids like diagrams, models, charts are displayed in the classrooms. Each classroom is provided with separate soft board where students display their diagrams, charts etc under teacher supervision.

2. Smart Classrooms

It is well said that a picture is worth thousand words. In smart class videos, follow up exercises, animations deliver the concept in quite an effective way. There is a separate systematic timetable for smartclass. It is ensure that each class visits the smart class for each subject, once a week. Students after watching appropriate videos have an effective follow up as they perform a number of related activities in smart class and on digital platform. This substantiates the concepts of the scholars.

3. Science-Model Making

Model making is an important exercise. It inspires students to explore study and apply concepts of science and other subjects to practice. Even now concepts are evolved during this exercise. It inspires students to do something new in the field of science and allures them to work up new devices and applications.

4. Visits

Students actually visit nearby places like visit to agricultural field, archeological museum, fish farm, wet land area, Nature trail Sadabart etc. class wise, so that each student has at least once, during his years of schooling, has visited each of them. These visits are arranged free of cost, by the school.

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5. Projects, Assignments and Models in Social Science

students do surveys by asking questions from people around. They learn to build up an approach towards an issue or an important topic. They are able to study social behaviors, and interpret mentality of people while making reports of such surveys. Students in VIII and IX class always get an assignment in Disaster Management.

Such surveys, report preparing encourages among students the habit/aptitude for research work in various areas.

Students also prepare models of Historical importance, Political Science such as Parliament of the country, Bank, Market, Panchayat Bhavan, etc. this helps students to learn more deeply about the building and working of such institutions. Students visit nearby village, talk to them about their problems and realize their problems. They aware the villagers about importance of cleanliness, need for vaccination, menace and abuse of drugs etc. models of science, mathematics and social science etc act as interdisciplinary models and develop multiple skills among students like – scientific aptitude, interlinking and applying knowledge, linguistic skills, lateral and out of box thinking, working as a part of team. Above all linguistic skills help them to express well.

6. Counseling Sessions & Workshops

Separate counseling session for boys and girls are arranged for students. Girl students are aware about physical changes, mood swings, concern regarding personal hygiene, menses, changing body features and then evolving fear regarding their own safety, health etc. Boys need to follow right kind of role models for themselves. Awareness is given regarding hormonal changes, adolescent anxiety, peer pressure. They are counseled not to succumb to bad habits like drugs, peer pressure and illusive friends.

Students are provided an illustrative workshop on fire safety and disaster management, first aid during accidents, or in case of burns etc. workshops on good time management, effective ways of elf management and stress management are arranged for students.

7. Outdoor Studies

At St. Carmel students do not remain confined to the four walls of classrooms. As suggested by the educationists monotony is the worst barrier in learning process. In order to break monotony of class-room teaching, students visit various areas like school kitchen garden for study of seasonal crops, vegetables, kind of soil, irrigation patterns.

For kind of flora and fauna, landscapes students visit schools little botanical garden, where different kinds of flora has been grown. This not only build up conceptual knowledge of students but also instills in them the attitude to live in harmony with nature.