SCS Primary (I to V)

St. Carmel School is affiliated to CBSE and religiously follows the guidelines of the board for methodology and teaching strategies. In order to assess students on varied scales various assignments are given to the students along with pen pencil tests as per the set schedule of periodic tests and term exams.

In order to enhance Soft Skills of children, Spoken English classes are held twice a week, in each class. The concept of mental maths enables students to solve problem in day to day routine with more confidence and accuracy.

St. Carmel School empowers learning by the use Educomp smart class. Students have regular time-table to visit smart class for each subject related co-scholastic activities like subject quizzes, spellethons, multi-table jumbles, storytelling, and enactments help child imbibe different concepts in a better way.

Visiting a place has long lasting effect on a child’s memory. School organizes visits for students to places of daily importance like post office, railway station, agricultural field, fish farm, fire station, Sadabart Nature Trail etc. so that they can actually see how things work. Students also visit bank and departmental stores like Easy Day with teachers who explain to them how we act under a given situation. In the present day scenario, it becomes absolutely necessary to sensitize children to be alert about their surroundings, good and bad touch, how they should seek help in case something wrong happens to them, such counseling sessions are arrange from time to time under the guidance of expert teachers. It is important to understand at an intermediate stage if students are following the instructions to a fair degree of clarity or not.

Diagnostic tests are conducted by subject teachers before each periodic test. Thematic morning assemblies and other co-scholastic and co-curricular activities compliment classroom teaching in most effective way.

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